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- About Christina Maria
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- About Christina Maria
Imagine having a Conversation directly with Mother Mary Queen of Heaven, Our Divine Universal Mother.
Would you like to be held in total unconditional Divine Love
by Mother Mary, our Universal Divine Mother?You can work with Mother Mary over a series of sessions on any issue or challenge or
have just one miraculous session at a time.
Mother Mary's Healing Love is Here for You.
Let her Miraculous Grace Transform your Mind, Body & Soul
Mother Mary would like to love you and heal your beautiful heart. She has chosen Christina Maria to serve as her channel and embodiment so that she may speak with you and heal you.
If your heart yearns for deep unconditional love and healing in a safe and nurturing embrace, Mother Mary is here for you. Mother Mary wishes to bring her profound love and healing to men and women of all faiths, beliefs and traditions around the world.
You can choose one session or a package of six or more sessions to have the presence of miracles in your life regularly. When you regularly work with Mother Mary she bring deeper healing and transformation into every area of your life. Wealth, health, finances and more can be transformed
Christina Maria brings forth the embodiment and beautiful messages of the Divine Mother. Mother Mary has been working with her since her childhood to prepare her for this great mission - to help awaken and anchor the Divine Feminine onto the planet.
During these extraordinary channeling sessions, you will receive Mother Mary’s beautiful messages and her enormous unconditional love.
During Private Sessions which last 60 minutes you will also receive transmissions of her profound healing energy as she sings ancient chants and futuristic sounds which open the heart and harmonize the energy field and chakras. She may also sing into your heart and the energy will be transmitted in Spirit into your system with great love.Your Sessions will be held via audio call with you and Christina Maria wherever you are in the world You can access your session from your computer of a local telephone number in your country.
If you are able to travel to Santa Barbara, CA you may also book an in-person session. Your session may be recorded so you can listen to the profound wisdom and receive her healing energy again and again.
These precious, personal sessions are rare and at times you may find there is a long waitlist for available dates and times. If you feel called please book ahead to secure an available time.
Mother Mary is Ready to Share her
Love with You
When you book a package of six sessions you can
save 20% and have miracles flowing regularly into your life.
Benefits of Choosing a Regular Series
of Sessions with Mother Mary
Did you know that you can choose to invite Mother Mary to support you weekly with her miraculous healing love and wisdom? This is what one lovely client wished to share about her experience with Christina Maria and Mother Mary regular sessions.
Testimonials of Miraculous Intercession
What people like you have experienced from a session.
Miraculous Healing for Baby in ICU Life Saved by Mother Mary
Divine Intercession
"At my request, Christina Maria gave a long distance healing session for a five day old baby girl, Suzanna. Suzanna, the granddaughter of a dear friend had been in ICU since her traumatic birth due to aspiring meconium into her lungs. There were other complications which made her condition extremely critical. They were afraid of losing her. Within one hour after the session, I received a call from the parents to tell me that Suzanna was starting to respond for the first time since her birth. She was soon after able to breathe on her own without the need for equipment. A few days later, she went home and has been healthy ever since.
When I asked Christina how she had been able to heal the baby, she told me that she asked Mother Mary to work through her. Mother Mary took the baby into her arms, using Christina's body and gently rocked her as she tenderly spoke and sang to the infant's soul. Then working through Christina's hands, Mother Mary removed the mucus and infection from her lungs. It was truly a miracle ! The doctors were amazed at her sudden recovery. Christina Maria has extraordinary gifts as a healer and embodiment for Mother Mary."
~ Maria White
Ithaca, New YorkMiraculous Physical Healing for My Heart
Wonderful experience at group channeling event
"Encountering the Love of Mother Mary through Christina’s gift has been the greatest blessing of 2016 for me. I have been dealing with doctors and heart issues for a couple of months this year. At my first channeling I was wearing a heart monitor and I had no clue what to expect. She began the channeling and unexpected tears of healing came to us all. Mother Mary sang into my heart and reassured me that I am loved. When she sang into my heart, I could see and feel my heart light up with a beautiful light. She reminded me of the beauty of a spiritual life. After that experience, I had my heart checked and now it is fine.
I was so intrigued with the channeling that I needed more time; I didn’t want it to end. Being so fascinated by the channeling I attended a second one. The second one was so different from the first. I got a chance to let my inner child run free. My inner child was so happy and wild. I was allowed to see my vulnerable side again. Mother Mary allowed my inner child to heal. We also received a precious gift from our guardian angels. Mother Mary allowed me to see my guardian angel which I now know is a male angel with wings so big and beautiful, they are breathtaking. I truly enjoy every channeling with Christina and I know I will gladly attend many more in the future."
~ Nancy Estephanie Arias
Santa Maria, CAIncredibly beautiful, deeply healing, comforting and very nurturing...You absolutely know you are in the presence of the Divine Mother
Testimonial from Global Healing Expert
"My session with Mother Mary through Christina Maria was incredibly beautiful, deeply healing, comforting and very nurturing. Not only is the guidance that comes through crystal clear and full of wisdom ; Mother Mary's love and healing energy are so palpable that you absolutely know you are in the presence of the Divine Mother.
Throughout the session, Mother Mary gently guided me into my heart as she helped me to become clear about some important decisions that I needed to make. I was trying to decide whether to move to Pakistan or to several other places. She helped me to see that I could do the most good by moving to Pakistan. I am very grateful that I made this move. So much has opened up for me as a result.
Mother Mary spoke to me about my work and confirmed for me that I am helping to make a deeply impactful shift in the lives of so many...way beyond what I had imagined. She also helped me to become more clear about my new television show and gave me very helpful guidance.
I also had a question about my two daughters who I really miss, since they live in Texas and are so far away. Before I could even ask the question, Mother Mary read my heart and spoke to me about them. She said in her sweet and loving voice, "I am always watching over your daughters. They are also my daughters". As a mother, it gave me great comfort to know that they are being protected and taken care of.
This session has enriched my life in so many important ways. I highly recommend experiencing this remarkable gift that Christina Maria brings to us through Mother Mary."
~ Eram Saeed
Founder & Host
From Heartache to Joy Global SummitYou Are Gifted By the Heavens
Author shares experience
"Dear Christina Maria,
I want to thank you for your exquisite channeling session. I truly felt the goodness, beauty and love of the Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine. I recognized her loving presence and wisdom. Having worked with angels all my life, I had occasions when the angel who leads the angelic hierarchies has appeared to me. What I experienced through you was beautiful, comforting, healing and most important - accurately represented the mother aspect of our creator that we all need in these difficult times. I feel a blessing occurred. You are gifted by the heavens to share this remarkable love with humanity."~ K. Martin-Kuri
Author of Message for the New MillenniumMarried Couple Receives Blessings from Mother Mary...We felt we were in the presence of an Angel
Author shares experience
"My wife and I went to see Mother Mary together for a reading for each of us as individuals. We were delightfully gifted with not only a loving and insightful individual reading, but we were also blessed with a reading for us as a couple. When we arrived for our session with Mother Mary, we felt we were in the presence of an angel. Her gentle sweetness embraced us immediately. We were given words of wisdom and comfort which have helped us in reaffirming our love for ourselves and each other.
Mother Mary sang into our hearts, reminding us of the love that we are. We both feel our hearts expanding with love and appreciation for having experienced this great gift. If you are seeking to feel the love that you are in the comfort and tenderness that we all yearn for, Mother Mary is here for you."
~ Leslie and Ron Riskin, L.Ac
Santa Barbara, CARippling of concentric circles of love, joy and sweetness that lasted for weeks
Author shares experience
"Christina visited Lifestream Center in Roanoke, VA in the spring of 2005 and again this fall, 2006 and her visits were remarkable! Bringing Mother Mary's essence into our space left a rippling of concentric circles of love, joy and sweetness that lasted for weeks after she had returned home. It felt so good here at the Center. We look forward to her next visit and the healings that take place when she is here.
I have experienced a profound peace in my heart with her presence here and that of Mother Mary."
~ Carolyn A. Bratton, President & Director
Lifestream Center, Roanoke, VAProviding Wounded Hearts A Safe Haven To Heal
Outpourings of Love from Divine Mother
"I have been the fortunate recipient of many Mother Mary blessings, readings, healing, and events over the past two decades that I have had the pleasure of knowing Christina Kramer. On every occasion I have felt inspired as well as healed, but mostly I have been moved to tears by the immense outpouring of love from our Blessed Mother.
I have always felt as though I was being held in the arms of the most compassionate and unconditionally loving feminine presence. This allowed me to release issues of intense emotional content that I would have otherwise been unable to express. Christina is in sacred service to our holy Mother Mary providing wounded hearts a safe haven from within which we are able to deeply heal. I am extremely grateful for this divine gift. Thank you Christina. Thank you Mother Mary. Yours in deepest gratitude."
~ Christine Fischer
Standardsville, VAI felt an energy and vibration of chills move through my entire body.
Profound Presence of Healing Light
"As I listened to each prayer spoken through Christina Maria's beautiful voice, I felt an energy and vibration of chills move through my entire body. There was such a profound presence of healing light. I felt so nurtured and deeply loved. Christina Maria is a clear, pure channel of Mother Mary's love and healing energy.
This comes through very strongly in these beautiful, extraordinary prayers. They have helped me to connect more deeply with Mother Mary and with my own heart"
~ Cheryl Barber
Healer & Teacher
Santa Barbara, CAHeard Angels Singing
Peace and Light around me
"Dear Christina,
I would like to tell you of the beautiful experience that I had after my Mother Mary reading. That evening, as I was going to sleep, I heard a woman's voice and beautiful singing like Angels. It was so beautiful. I felt so at peace with so much light around me. I have also used the meditation that I received from Mother Mary, and had miraculous results."~ Nina Watts
Charlottesville, VAI always leave the session with a clear sense of direction which is often what I am seeking
Great love nurtures me
"During my conversations with Mother Mary the information I receive (I have had several sessions with her over the last few years) comes through with great love and nurtures my ability to reconnect to my own heart's divinity. I always leave the session with a clear sense of direction which is often what I am seeking. We are blessed to have Christina channeling the Divine Feminine - especially in these times - when we really need the healing, feminine energy on the planet."
~ Phyllis Labanowsky, Teacher of Intercultural Relations.
Convey, MAProfoundly Altered My Life in the Most Spiritual Way
The love that I experienced through you and Mother Mary knows few words
"I cannot say that once you meet your mother for the first time, you will long for her presence, and to please her in every waking moment of your earth bound life; but that is what happened to me.
Thank you, Christina. You have profoundly altered my life in the most spiritual way. The love that I experienced through you and Mother Mary knows few words, but felt like an eternity."
~ David Yansen
Santa Barbara, CABeautiful Interaction with My Deceased Son
through Mother Mary
The peace and joy that enveloped my heart was so deep and healing
"I had my first private session with Mother Mary through Christina Maria on the birthday of my son, Brian, who was killed in a car accident at the age of 19. I was able to communicate with him through Mother Mary. She also helped me to understand the reason he left this earth at such a young age. The peace and joy that enveloped my heart was so deep and healing. This was truly the most beautiful and profound experience of my entire life! I feel truly blessed and honored to work with Christina Maria and am very grateful for the compassion, love and healing I have received through my many sessions with her"
~ Mary Ann Lee
Charlottesville, VAPure and Magical Experience
The whole evening resonated with love
"We were delighted to host Christina at our Holistic Healing Center in Ojai and found the experience profound. The whole evening resonated with love and I found the experience nurturing and it touched a deep level of knowing. Her channeling of Mother Mary is pure and magical. We would love to have her back in the future"
~ Roger Ford, Co-Founder of Healing in America
Ojai, CAWoman Experienced Miraculous Healing
It was truly a miracle
"After a service at the Unity Church in Charlottesville, VA, I sat next to a woman (Virginia) who mentioned that she had chronic knee pain for the past year. I asked if I could place my hand on her knee and send her Mother Mary's love. When I saw her one week later, she reported to me that the pain was gone for the entire week. She said, " the catalyst for this dramatic change, which I experienced as a miraculous healing, was your hand on my knee for just one moment. I immediately felt Mother Mary's energy pouring through my body, allowing me to release the need for the pain, since I had learned some important lessons form it. The knee pain was gone at that moment and has not come back. I will never forget this experience. It was truly a miracle"
~ Virginia C
Charlottesville, VAAn experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life
Unconditional love and grace.
"I have attended many of the large group channeling events with Mother Mary. They have been extraordinary. At each event I have had profound heart opening experiences as Mother Mary sang into my heart and held me in her arms. I truly felt as if I was being bathed in the most loving and comforting unconditional love and grace. Her beautiful messages are also filled with love and great wisdom and always deeply touch my heart. I can also feel the power of the group energy as everyone's heart is ignited with Divine Love. It is an experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life."
~ Diane Sutters
Boulder, COWhat a most beautiful journey I got to take with you and Divine Mother. I was able to let my tears of joy and relief fall down my face
Unconditional love and grace.
"I felt so uplifted by Mother Mary's Love and Tenderness. For the first time in a year I was able to let my tears of joy and relief fall down my face with her arms holding me ever so gently. I was so secure in Her Divine Love and the words that were spoken gave me Peace inward and outward, and the validation to continue to be who I am. The experience has stayed with me and will continue to as I am ever aware of her speaking to me and holding me in her arms. Christina is such an Angel, and just being in her presence is so fulfilling and then to get to have the Divine Mother WOW what more could one ask for?"
~ Ella Wiener
Atascadero, CAI am Forever Changed
The love I felt was like nothing I have ever experienced before...
"I want to thank you for the amazing experience you provided for me by channeling our Divine Mother Mary. The love I felt was like nothing I have ever experienced before...total, complete, endless, and unconditional love. Tears flowed from my eyes as I experienced the joy of her love. I am forever changed and forever grateful to you for opening my heart to Mother Mary's love."
~ Maria Carroll, High School Guidance Counselor
Saint Luis Obispo, CAPainful Emotional Blocks were Removed
Painful Emotional Blocks were Removed
"My session with Mother Mary was powerful and amazing. I will not go into detail, but in short I will say that she helped me to remove some very painful, emotional blocks. The shift that this has created was profound for me. She also helped me to embrace on a much deeper level the qualities of love, forgiveness and compassion. The session has changed my life in so many ways and has left me with a feeling of great gratitude"
~ Liz M
Writer and Author
Santa Barbara, CAI Have Learned so Much about Myself
A pleasure and a joy
"Mother Mary, I am so grateful that you chose to work through Christina and make yourself available to us. I found your insights to the issues I brought forth to you were on target, provocative, thoughtful, stimulating and very useful. I have learned so much about myself through our conversations. I respect your wisdom not to offer predictions of the future for a person, as you feel that it is dis empowering and you want to empower us.
I have always found Mother Mary to be kind, generous, heart-felt and deeply loving. I really have enjoyed her beautiful meditations. I encourage anyone who has an interest in exploring themselves to the fullest, to work with Mother Mary and Christina. They are both a pleasure and a joy."
~ Bill Sanda
Washington, DCI recommend a Mother Mary session with Christina to anyone desiring to be held in an embrace of love and support
Continues to ignite my heart and soul
"My channeling session with Mother Mary through Christina occurred many months ago and the essence of it continues to beautifully nurture and ignite my heart and soul. I experienced the words spoken and the energy alignment offered during the session as a celebration of my love, light and truth of being. I recommend a Mother Mary session with Christina to anyone desiring to be held, affirmed, and encouraged in the pure embrace of unconditional love and support. Loving you very much and holding you in my heart"
~ Renya Craig
Old Lynne, CTFind out what people all around the world have experienced through
working with the intercession of Mother Mary through Christina Maria Kramer.
Miraculous Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healings Witnessed
Immediate Healing Reported
A lovely lady wrote to Christina through this website to let her know
that she had an extraordinary experience just listening to a recent interview where Christina Maria Channeled Mother Mary's unconditional love.
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