Angel Readings
Manifest Your Year of Miracles
Mother Mary
Mother Mary Sessions
Channeled Prayers
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Angel Readings
Manifest Your Year of Miracles
Mother Mary
Mother Mary Sessions
Channeled Prayers
Energy Healing
Healing & Readings
About Christina Maria
Spiritual Counseling
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Christina Maria Bio
Angel Readings
Manifest Your Year of Miracles
Mother Mary
Mother Mary Sessions
Channeled Prayers
Energy Healing
Healing & Readings
About Christina Maria
Spiritual Counseling
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Christina Maria Bio
Angel Readings
Manifest Your Year of Miracles
Mother Mary
Mother Mary Sessions
Channeled Prayers
Energy Healing
Healing & Readings
About Christina Maria
Spiritual Counseling
Contact Christina
Christina Maria Bio
Angel Readings
Manifest Your Year of Miracles
Mother Mary
Mother Mary Sessions
Channeled Prayers
Energy Healing
Healing & Readings
About Christina Maria
Spiritual Counseling
Contact Christina
Christina Maria Bio
Angel Readings
Manifest Your Year of Miracles
Mother Mary
Mother Mary Sessions
Channeled Prayers
Energy Healing
Healing & Readings
About Christina Maria
Spiritual Counseling
Contact Christina
Christina Maria Bio
Miraculous Prayers - Christina Maria Kramer
Channeled Talks
For Lightworkers
Prosperity Prayers
Miraculous Prayers
Healing Meditations
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Mother Mary's 30 Prosperity Affirmations pdf
Mother Mary has said many times that God's desire for you to be prosperous and abundant. These affirmations were channelled directly from her. For best results record them on to your phone and listen to the recording. Also say them after prayer or meditation.
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Mother Mary's Prayer of Gratitude
Through this beautiful prayer, you will receive Mother Mary's grace and so many blessings. This prayer will :<br> Inspire you to become a Master of Gratitude, whereby you live in gratitude as a state of being.<br> Transform your relationship with gratitude.<br> <br> Enhance your health, happiness, relationships, financial prosperity and overall enjoyment and quality of life.<br><br>Empower you to receive the fulfillment of your heart's longings and deepest desires.<br> <br>Deepen your connection with Divine Mother and feel her gracious intercession.
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Mary Queen of Hearts Prayer
This sweet, healing prayer contains a beautiful guided imagery which will bring you into an experience of great love and healing as you :<br><br> Deepen your connection with Mother Mary, our Universal Mother.<br><br>Experience your heart unfolding as a lotus blossom through Mother Mary's love.<br><br> Receive Mother's powerful white light to heal and rejuvenate your entire body and auric field.<br><br>Feel yourself being elevated into a new frequency of abundance, love, peace and bliss.<br><br>Allow Mary to adorn your heart with her love, beauty, sweetness and grace<br><br>
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I AM God's Great Abundance
This is extraordinary, powerful, inspiring prayer and declaration will bless you in so many ways :<br> It elevates your consciousness to higher levels of appreciation and gratitude for the enormous and infinite outpouring of God's love and bountiful blessings<br> You experience that YOU are this great Abundance.<br>It increases your ability to consciously manifest as you align your heart and mind to be in communion with Divine Abundance and Divine Opulence.<br> <br>It brings you into a state of expansion and a greater awareness of the Divine Mighty Presence within you.<br>
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Abundance Prayer to Mother Earth
This nurturing and tender prayer of abundance and love to Mother Earth will open your heart with great gratitude. It will:<br>Help you to feel Mother Mary's love and caring for our beloved earth home.<br> Invoke Mother's guidance to help us protect and love Mother Earth.<br> Bring a sense of deep connection in your heart with Mother Earth's beauty, nurturance, fertility, tranquillity, harmony and balance<br> Instil a reverence for all life.<br> Increase your gratitude for the cornucopia of blessings and Divine Bounty of our Mother Earth and to the Elemental Kingdoms who help to keep order,
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Prayer of Forgiveness
Through the Divine Grace of Mother Mary, she will help to open your heart with love, compassion, and wisdom to forgive yourself and others. In this prayer, she also helps you to heal the illusion of separation and to see and honor the goodness and divinity in yourself and others as well as embrace oneness and unity consciousness. This prayer brings deep healing resulting in greater joy and liberation.<br>
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